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All Saints Memorial Church, Rawene


All Saints Anglican Church, Rawene, was dedicated as a war memorial church in August 1917. The granite plaque installed above the foundation stone reads:

“This church / was dedicated to the memory / of those who fell / in the Great War. / Robt. Proctor / laid the stone August 1917.”

The Hokianga Great War roll of honour is on display inside the church. This wooden tablet lists the names of 81 Hokianga men who died during the war or afterwards from its effects (“To the Glory of God, and in Honour of Those / Who fought, and those, Who Fighting Fell./ ‘These Died as few Men get the Chance to Die.’”).

There is also a small brass plaque in memory of Albert Ridgers, killed in September 1916 (he is incorrectly listed as A. Ridges on the roll of honour).

The church is now part of the South Hokianga Co-operating parish.


Jock Phillips and Chris Maclean, 1986

Stuart Park, 2015

Bruce Ringer, Auckland Libraries, 2015.

How to cite this page

All Saints Memorial Church, Rawene, URL:, (Manatū Taonga — Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated
