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Alofi national memorial in Niue


Details from memorial

Alofi war memorial, 1964 National Memorial in Niue National Memorial in Niue

The national memorial in Alofi incorporates the tablet from the original memorial, opened in 1926. It listed the names of those who died during the First World War. The 1926 memorial crumbled over time and was replaced in 1964 (first image above) by a new memorial incorporating the original tablet. This memorial also deteriorated and the tablet is now on the left side of the national memorial. On the right side is a new tablet listing the names of all the men from Niue who went to the First World War.

Historical image: Margaret Pointer, My Heart is Crying A Little, 2000
Other images: Margaret Pointer

Find out more about the people listed on this memorial on the Auckland Museum's Cenotaph website

How to cite this page

Alofi national memorial in Niue, URL:, (Manatū Taonga — Ministry for Culture and Heritage), updated