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Mary Drumm

Signed family name
Signed given name
Given address
St Kilda
Sheet number
St Kilda

Biography contributed by Katherine Blakeley

Mary Drumm was born in Victoria, Australia in 1857, the daughter of John Drumm, a farrier, and Jane Whelan.

The family came to Otago about 1865. Mary’s mother died in 1884, when the youngest child in the family would have been ten years old.

Mary, being the eldest daughter, presumably took over the role of child care and housekeeping.

Mary died at Council St, St Kilda on 14 March 1922. She is buried in the family grave in the Southern Cemetery, Dunedin.


BDM online NZ
DCC Cemetery Records
Family Search 
Otago Nominal Index
Papers Past

Click on sheet number to see the 1893 petition sheet this signature appeared on. Digital copies of the sheets supplied by Archives New Zealand.