robin hyde

Personal details

Full Name:

  • Iris Guiver Wilkinson


  • 19 Jan 190623 Aug 1939

Robin Hyde packed a lot into her short and often tragic life. Best known today for her novels Passport to hell, Nor the years condemn and The godwits fly, she was also a fine poet, a crusading journalist and an outspoken advocate for the downtrodden.

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Events In History


Rail tourism

  • Rail tourism

    From the late 19th century the expanding rail network opened up exciting leisure and tourism opportunities for ordinary New Zealand families. New Zealand Railways promoted rail holidays through bright, attractive posters and its own popular monthly magazine.

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  • Page 5 - Railways MagazineDuring the inter-war years no other monthly magazine matched New Zealand Railways for its commitment to promoting a popular literary culture in New
  • Main image: Robin Hyde

    Portrait of Robin Hyde from the title page of Journalese (1934).