Thomas Millard grave

Thomas Millard grave

Thomas Millard was killed in the skirmishing that occurred around the Waireka Stream on 28 March 1860.

Community contributions

2 comments have been posted about Thomas Millard grave

What do you know?

Robert A Millard

Posted: 21 May 2018

The steam. Corvette has Niger was one of the two ships used to determine the power of screw propellers as opposed to paddle wheel by towing against each other in a type of tug of war the screw proved much more efficient.

Robert Millard

Posted: 21 May 2018

Thomas Millard was my 4x great uncle born 1827 in Walcot parish Bath England he joined the army at an early age.
I found a copy of a letter in Kew record office signing over his processions and back pay to his Mother Sussana.
His father died in 1841 in Bath his mother later remarried.