The barque Rona

The barque <em>Rona</em>

The barque Rona, one of several old sailing ships which gained a fresh lease of life due to wartime shortages of shipping. The old vessel is now preserved at Melbourne under a former name, Polly Woodside.

Community contributions

2 comments have been posted about The barque Rona

What do you know?

Adam Thain

Posted: 29 Dec 2020

This was one of my great grandfathers ships, G H Scales! Between 1916 - 1920 she made trips across the Pacific carrying bales of hemp northbound, returning to NZ with cargoes of cased Benzine

Elizabeth Lang, nee Miles

Posted: 23 Mar 2018

My father was a cabin boy on it's last voyage ,when it ran aground at Seatourn in Wellington.He couldn't really swim but got ashore and the Crewe were paid off.