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Table of the Latest Comments on NZHistory
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Hi David New Zealand Mounteds ride through Cairo
He was Pietro Luisetti from New Zealand Mounteds ride through Cairo David Petrie
David - you can see the New Zealand Mounteds ride through Cairo
I remember Nora Violet Identifying Erebus victims nicola bray
I was a friend and colleague Identifying Erebus victims Jane Summer
I would still love to hear Bravo Island settlement, 1879 maureen head
Many thanks for the Captain Parry on bridge of the Achilles M.G.Cowburn
I was the crew chief of the Erebus disaster recovery work during blizzard joseph madrid
Can you tell me exactly where Fairview school war memorial Kath
Kath, you are correct the Fairview school war memorial
I am researching my NZ Hobson William Hobson Beryl
My father used to sing me the Song: 'The Boers Have Got My Daddy' jackie
researching my family, the peter vincent bourke Jenni
my Grandad George Henry HORAN Sixth Contingent soldiers, 1901 PAM
My Uncle, Austin(Augustine First World War census and conscription Rosamund Dallow
Hi Rosamund - you can find First World War census and conscription
Thanks for your comment Erebus disaster recovery work during blizzard Imelda Bargas
I'm looking to contact Jim Lounge on the Captain Cook immigrant ship Simon
Arrived as a "ten pound pom" Advice to new assisted immigrant arrivals Rob
John Taylor's Great Grandson New Zealand flag from Quinn's Post Patrick Reynolds
Although our name is spelt Te Ārei grave Roger Macnaughtan
In 1972 I worked in the The Rangatira Richard Hall
Dear Maureen and all other Bravo Island settlement, 1879 Awale
If you go to the CHB District Ashley Clinton First World War memorial Rosheen Parker
We left Glasgow 26 or 27th Lounge on the Captain Cook immigrant ship Dusty Miller
Very upset to find out the US Navy tragedy at Paekākāriki Eleanor Creon …
Different battle but seeking New Zealand flag from Quinn's Post Fran
you need to tell us the Maori (Pioneer) Battalion flag tiaki adams
Hi Tiaki - please see: Maori (Pioneer) Battalion flag
I am 6th generation to William Hobson hobson
hi my name is katrina hobson William Hobson katrina hobson
I served in the Regiment from 6th (Manawatu) Mounted Rifles seymour l. eato
The memorial pictured is at Ashley war memorial Bernard Kingsbury
Yeah I went 3 times I can The first Sweetwaters festival Glen Cassidy
My brother, Richard, (14) and Itinerary John Burton
This song was played to Now is the hour, NZ's first million-selling song? Doug Harrison
sorry typo error Polly(Hirana William Hobson hobson
Maud Smythe came out to NZ Maud Smythe Jane
My father came out from Lounge on the Captain Cook immigrant ship joanne kennedy
My grandfather Private Enoka Film: trench life in the First World War Kay Henare
Hi again, Rosamund. Since my First World War census and conscription
The man in the picture ( top Leger brothers Rachel Matthewman
Bernard Fryberg started Bernard Freyberg Rosalie Howard
Thank you so much for sharing Diary of Clarence Hare, steward on Antarctic expedition Rae Bassett
The paimarie. Left Hika at Waerenga-a-Hika NZ Wars memorial Owen Lloyd
Hey Kathy I think your father Colac Bay war memorial Caroline
Thanks for your comment Rae. Diary of Clarence Hare, steward on Antarctic expedition Imelda Bargas
Trying all avenues as KK Kaikōura war memorial Lorraine Diver
A grandson of John Taylor New Zealand flag from Quinn's Post Patrick Reynolds
My parents Derek and Rita Lounge on the Captain Cook immigrant ship Diane Hunt