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Miss lily Kirk

Signed family name
Signed given name
Miss lily
Given address
Cumberland St Dunedin
Sheet number
Central Dunedin

Lily's sisters, Maggie and Kate, also signed the suffrage petition.

Biography contributed by Katherine Blakeley

Lily Kirk (her birth was registered as Jemima Dickson Kirk) was born in New Zealand in 1870 – the daughter of David Kirk, an expressman, and Catherine/Kate Dickson.

On 25 February 1895 Lily married Walter Julius Jorgensen at her widowed mother’s house in Cumberland St, Dunedin. They lived in Wellington where Walter worked as a barman and he later became a publican in Petone. They had no children and they celebrated their Golden Wedding anniversary in 1945.

Walter died in 1956 and Lily died in February 1958. They are buried together in the Karori Cemetery, Wellington.


BDM online NZ
Otago Nominal Index
Papers Past
Wellington City Council

Click on sheet number to see the 1893 petition sheet this signature appeared on. Digital copies of the sheets supplied by Archives New Zealand.